
His Angel Princess
Trapped inside the tower
Of her self-constructed misery
Saved by the star-filled eyes of
Her Prince Charming and
His smile-
The one she painted a million times
Saved from a fate of death by soul
Only to fall to a fate of hopeless love
Blinded by his brilliance
Struck senseless by his love
She could not see those chains
He concealed so well
-Even while wiping away
Her tears and throwing them
Into their sea of star dusted dreams
And slaying the demons
Of her winged and wild heart
And cold now, she asks
How can she save her gallant Prince?
How can she slay the dragon he feeds?
If only she could shatter the eyes...
The distorted mirrors of his soul
If the dragon’s eyes bled her love
Would he then see he is Beautiful?
And then, would Happily Ever After

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